Bad Ass Good Ice!

Ouray, Colorado

The Ouray Ice Park

It’s only about an hour’s drive from our place in Telluride, but you can easily see why people come from all over the world to train and play at this Ice Park in Ouray, Colorado.

It’s beautiful, magnificent and definitely a sight to behold!

Never tried ice climbing before? No worries— they have courses available for every skill level, from easy, beginner, “Never-Have-I-Ever” climbs to some chillingly advanced “You’re-an-Impressive-Badass-Who-Deserves-a-Trophy!” courses. 😂🥶😂

Bad Ass Good Ice! The Ouray Ice Park

I tried to capture the excitement, scale, and scope of what this place is like, but of course, to really understand its awesomeness, you’ll need to visit for yourself!

The Ice Park covers a mind-blowing 2 miles of the Uncompahgre Gorge, but even more bewildering is that the prices to join in on the fun are surprisingly reasonable!

I love this place. 🥰